

Infoscreen is primarily a node js application. q100_info.js runs a web application using expressjs, and communicate with Q-Scope Frontend via UDP messaging using Rendering of views are done with html+css+javascript at public folder.

js/main.js receives UDP message from the frontend, and injects data and renders respective views.

Infoscreen Installation

Clone the repository to local:

git clone``

Install node modules:

cd qScope_infoscreen
npm install

Setup a folder public/data as a symlink pointing to qScope/data:

ln -s ../data/ ./public

File Structure

project qScope
        └───data #symlink to qScope/data
        └───js #pure js files
        └───lib #js libraries such as jquery and
        nodejs file

Run the infoscreen

Run npm shortcut command:

npm start #equivalent to ``npm run start``, which is defined in package.json. "start" script runs ``npx nodemon q100_info.js``


Buildings Interaction View

[Image of the infoscreen, showing four colored squares, each of which contains the address of the selected houses. In each of the squares there is a table with information on energy saving measures.]

Tiles of information card shows the information of 4 different selected buildings. In each tile, at the top the name of the building is stated. Under it three icons indicate the options that user selected for the current round, which itself is shown in the lower right corner.

icon_heat_grid the connection to the heat grid

icon_green_plus refurbishment status

icon_save_energy energy consumption preference.

The Heat consuption is indicated in a chart in 9 scale from A+ to H.


In the table these three options are displayed throughout rounds.

Individual Data View

[close-up of a green square showing information of one of the selected houses and two graphs with predicted CO2-emissions and energy costs up until the year 2045.]

The individual data view displays the information of one selected building. In addition to the information in the buildings interaction view, emissions over time and energy costs per household over time are shown in charts.

Total Data View

[Image of the infoscreen showing the neighborhood's cumulated data and the housesholds emissions and energy costs in comparison.]

There are four different graphs to show the result of the simulation.

1. Energiekosten im Vergleich / Energy costs in comparison shows the change of the energy cost over time per building.

2. Generalle Energiepreise nach Energietraeger / General energy prices by energy carrier shows the change of price of energy prices per energy carrier.

3. Montaliche Emissionen im Vergleich / Montaliche emissions comparison shows the change of monthly CO2 emissions over time per building.

4. Quartiersemissionen und Waermenetzanschluesse / Neighborhood emissions and heating network connections shows the CO2 emissions of the whole neighborhood over time and the number of the connections to the heat grid over time.

Developemnt tools

Developemnt tools (js/devTools.js) provides useful function for debugging.

  • Space bar: switch modes

  • D: show data view mode

  • V: show verbose (lines around html elements)

  • T: inject extra round data (a column will be added in the round information table)

  • I: inject sample data

Known Errors

[nodemon] Internal watch failed: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '/home/user/github/qScope/qScope_infoscreen/public/data/outputs/output_20221111_11-51-29/energy_prices/energy_prices_4.09.csv' can be fixed either by restarting the computer or by increasing the system limit for number of file watchers.