
Simple Pygame Features

Displaying Text

# 1. define font:
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 20)
# 2. use font to write to canvas:
canvas.blit(font.render(str(mouse_pos), True, (255,255,255)), (200,700))


Draw polygons on specific surface

# general:
# points = [[x1, y1], [x1, y2], [x2, y1], [x2, y2]]
#          [[bottom-left], [top-left], [bottom-right], [top-right]]
# points_transformed = reference_surface.transform(points)
# pygame.draw.polygon(reference_surface, color, points_transformed)

# example:
points = [[20, 70], [20, 20], [80, 20], [80, 70]]  # percentage relative to surface
points_transformend = session.grid_1.surface.transform(points)

#                   surface,   color,      coords_transformed
pygame.draw.polygon(viewport, (255, 0, 0), viewport.transform(rect_points))

Draw Polygon Layer (simple)

gis.py - simply draw polygons on a specific surface with a specific stroke and color. Note: when stroke is 0, the polygon will be filled.
def draw_polygon_layer(self, surface, df, stroke, fill):
  '''draw polygon layer, do not lerp'''
      for polygon in df.to_dict('records'):
          if fill:
              fill_color = pygame.Color(*fill)

          points = self.surface.transform(polygon['geometry'].exterior.coords)
          pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, fill_color, points, stroke)

  except Exception as e:
      session.log += "\n%s" % e
      print("cannot draw polygon layer: ", e)

Draw polygon layer and lerp color using bool

gis.py - draw polygons on a specific surface with certain stroke; lerp color according to bool
def draw_polygon_layer_bool(self, surface, df, stroke, fill_false, fill_true=None, fill_attr=None):
  '''draw polygon layer, lerp using bool value'''
      for polygon in df.to_dict('records'):
          if fill_false:
              fill_color = pygame.Color(*fill_false)

              if fill_true:
                  fill_color = pygame.Color(fill_true) if polygon[fill_attr] else fill_color

          points = self.surface.transform(polygon['geometry'].exterior.coords)
          pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, fill_color, points, stroke)

  except Exception as e:
      session.log += "\n%s" % e
      print("cannot draw polygon layer: ", e)

draw polygon layer and lerp colors according to float:

gis.py - draw polygons on a specific surface with certain stroke; lerp color according to float values
  def draw_polygon_layer_float(self, surface, df, stroke, fill, lerp_target=None, lerp_attr=None):
    '''draw polygon layer and lerp using float'''
        for polygon in df.to_dict('records'):
            if fill:
                fill_color = pygame.Color(*fill)

                if lerp_target:
                    target_color = pygame.Color(lerp_target)
                    fill_color = fill_color.lerp(target_color, polygon[lerp_attr] / df[lerp_attr].max())

            points = self.surface.transform(polygon['geometry'].exterior.coords)
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, fill_color, points, stroke)

    except Exception as e:
        session.log += "\n%s" % e
        print("cannot draw polygon layer: ", e)


Pygame is able to load images onto Surface objects from PNG, JPG, GIF, and BMP image files.

image = pygame.image.load("images/scenario_progressive.bmp")
canvas.blit(image, (0,0))

See more about the usage of pygame images under graphictools.

Creating your own project

In order to transfer the project’s focus to another neighborhood, you’d need to conduct the following steps:

  • input basemap raster file
    • in our example project, we have a basemap file stored in .jpg-format. This file is provided by the config.py and should be set there.

  • input shapefile for polygons and raster data:
    • further geodata can be loaded via Shapefiles using geopandas. In our example project, we have implemented a custom function in gis.py called read_shapefile() (evoked in buildings.py/load_data()) that handles the readout of the shapefile’s metadata, transfers the data into a pandas DataFrame and adds more custom data categories.

  • define corner coordinates / ROI (using GIS) and rotation of map. The basemap is essentially initialized in session.py with the corner coordinates of the image:

############################## INITIALIZATION #########################
#--------------------------------- gis --------------------------------
# Initialize geographic viewport and basemap
_gis = gis.GIS(
    # northeast          northwest           southwest           southeast
    [[1013631, 7207409], [1012961, 7207198], [1013359, 7205932], [1014029, 7206143]],

basemap = gis.Basemap(
    config['CANVAS_SIZE'], config['BASEMAP_FILE'],
    # northwest          southwest           southeast           northeast
    [[1012695, 7207571], [1012695, 7205976], [1014205, 7205976], [1014205, 7207571]],
  • Take care to crop the basemap image properly in the frontend section:

frontend.py:216 crop_width and crop_height define how much the basemap has to be cropped.
# basemap
if session.show_basemap:
    crop_width = 4644
    crop_height = 800
    self.canvas.blit(session.basemap.image, (0, 0),
                      (0, 0, crop_width, crop_height))